Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Goal: Collect, classify, and analyze data to make geographic inferences and predictions.

Warm Up: None

Synchronous lesson: There is no class today. You may attend my study session (10-10:30) if you have a question. 

Asynchronous activity:

  1. Required: Turn in the Geographic Features Sorting Activity by 2:45 to be marked present.
  2. Optional: Use the Quizlets to practice the geographic features vocab. It will be important for this unit!
  3. Optional: Map your civilization in the Create Your Own Civilization slideshow if you’d like to work towards earning a 4 in this unit. 

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Goal: Collect, classify, and analyze data to make geographic inferences and predictions.

Warm Up: Tuesday Warm Up- What do humans need to survive?

Synchronous lesson:  Discussion of human needs

Asynchronous activity: Start working on the Geographic Features Sorting Activity

Friday, September 4, 2020

Goal: Interpret and communicate geographic data to justify potential solutions to problems.

Warm Up: Complete the Sub Day Attendance Form to be marked present today. 

Synchronous lesson: There is no class today- Mrs. Dreves is out of town. 

Asynchronous activityArgumentative Paragraph- complete this assignment independently during our class time. 

Thursday September 3, 2020

Goal: Analyze political issues from both a national and global perspective over time (i.e. coronavirus lockdowns).

Warm Up: Thursday Warm Up- We’ve been in school for a week now. What do you like about remote learning so far? What is challenging?

Synchronous lesson: We will practice reading geographic data in charts and maps, using the U.S. as an example (this will provide the national perspective portion of our goal)

Asynchronous activity: Global Perspectives Discussion Board- Pick a country other than the U.S. and compare if/when they shut down and what their case numbers are like now. Post both pieces of information in the discussion board. (This data will provide the global perspective portion of our goal for today.)

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Goal: Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources.

Warm Up: None

Synchronous lesson: There is no class today. You may attend my study session (10-10:30) if you have a question. 

Asynchronous activity: Finish the Why is Everything Closing? assignment on Schoology. This assignment must be turned in by 2:45 for you to be “present” today. 

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Goal: Discuss advantages and disadvantages of living in an interconnected world.

Warm Up: What are the good and bad things about living in a connected world?

Synchronous lesson: Whole class discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of globalization.

Asynchronous activity: Respond to at least 2 people on the discussion board. 

Monday, August 31, 2020

Goal: By the end of class you will know the expectations and procedures for this class. 

Warm Up: Monday Warm Up on Schoology- What did you do over the weekend?

Synchronous lesson: Together, we will go over the expectations + procedures in this class

Asynchronous activityIndependently, you will complete the Virtual Class Scavenger Hunt

Friday, August 28, 2020

Goal: By the end of class you will know the names of at least three classmates.

Warm Up: Friday Warm Up on Schoology- what is your social studies teacher’s name?

Asynchronous activity: Independently, finish your Who Am I? Presentation

Synchronous lesson: In small groups, present your Who Am I? Presentation


Thursday, August 27, 2020

Goal: By the end of class you should know your social studies teacher’s name.

Warm Up: While you are waiting for Mrs. Dreves to take attendance, edit your name on Zoom. Directions are on Schoology.

Synchronous lesson: As a class, we will go over Mrs. Dreves’ Who Am I? Presentation

Asynchronous activity: Independently, you will start working on your own Who Am I? Presentation

Monday, August 24, 2020

Goal: This is what you will be able to do by the end of class.

Warm Up: This is what you should do as soon as you log on to Schoology and Zoom, and while you are waiting for Mrs. Dreves to finish taking attendance.

Synchronous lesson: This is what we will do together.

Asynchronous activity: This is what you will do independently or in your breakout group.

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